When a significant mistake occurs, it's common for the blame game to commence. We’ve all done it.
But rather than finding someone to hold accountable, what if we prioritize preventing similar mistakes from happening in the future?
A question that I often hear is: what is the right amount of leadership/ management? What is needed to my team's productivity and what is micromanagement?
I recently wrote an article "Building Leadership Skills In Research Groups" that addresses this question:
Stefanie talks about the Cynefin framework for decision making and how to apply it to assess whether you should coach, mentor, or train a team member when they run into a challenge.
Let me start with a confession: I have been dragging my feet on getting this email to you. For weeks!
Stefanie talks about what happens when lab members overestimate their skill level.
Stefanie talks about key research findings that provide some guidance as to how much time off we really require and what habits we and our trainees need to cultivate if we strive to be high performers.
In this Vlog I am introducing a framework for structuring interactions with trainees to either work through a problem or help them get to the next level.